петак, 28. мај 2021.

Sexy bikini set-wholesale7

Hi my best!

Summer is coming and that means we need to equip ourselves with new swimsuits, so in this post take a look at which costumes I chose for you, I hope you like them, because they are beautiful to me and look very good on girls, I believe they are even more beautiful live than in the pictures.

The Sexy bikini set is the category I chose today to show you. The first costume is a beautiful color, design and a very beautiful model when it fits so well on a girl, I really like that lower part which is not like any other customer but is very beautiful and luxurious. I like that you can look at both the sizes and the colors, which is really great! The second costume is one-piece and it really caught my attention with the colors, the color is neon orange and it looks beautiful, this summer will be the best so far! While the third costume is yellow and has a similar bottom as the first swimsuits and I like it. I like this new fashion, the lower part of the costume is really beautiful, it's good that you can also choose the size of course, as well as the color and design. There are a lot of models on their watch and I believe you will find something for yourself, I adore sites like this that have everything a woman could want. At this link $1 Redemption Offer you have discounts so take a look I believe you will like it, because as soon as we hear the discount it means we are buying. To me, all three costumes are beautiful, even in those strong colors they are really cool for summer, I think they are a trend to wear. On the site you can easily find yourself, order everything you want, they send for the whole world and see their range.

As you like the costumes I chose, be sure to leave me a comment below this post. kisses

среда, 19. мај 2021.

Medical Plants-piling, lepa stopala i sprej za kosu

Ćao najbolji moji!

Medical Plants je brend koji obozavam da koristim, za negu lica, tela i kose. Imaju zaista divne proizvode, pristupacne a kvalitetne, a kvalitet je najbitniji. U prethodnom periodu isprobala sam tri proizvoda, sprej za kosu, piling za telo i kremu za stopala. Vec ste vidjali Medical Plants na mom blogu i znate koliko volim njihove proizvode i koliko sam odusevljena i zadovoljna. Mozete ih zapratiti na instagramu Medical Plants

Prvi je sprej za rast kose, dolazi u spreju i sadrzi 150ml proizvoda, sto se tice spreja stvarno je dobar rasprsivac, nisam imala problema. Uzela sam ga iz razloga sto mi mnogo opada kosa, sto zbog stresa, sto zbog duzine kose koja je do skoro struka. Sprej je sa biljnim ekstratima i kofeinom, meni mirise malo na mentol i to mi se svidja jer mi osvezi kosu, miris se ne zadrzava dugo u kosi tako da ne brinite. Zelim da kazem da se moje opadanje kose zaista dosta smanjilo, sada skoro pa neprimetno. Ovo je odlican sprej za kosu ako volite ovakve stvari. Ne isusuje kosu, veoma je dobar sprej. 
Sto se tice pilinga za telo ja sam malo specificna, ne volim jake mirise, ne volim sladunjave medjutim ovaj piling je savrsenstvo. Dovoljno je grub za moju kozu, super mi pilinguje telo, mnogo je lepa tekstura, lepo se "zalepi" za kozu pa mozete da lepo kruznim pokretima pilingujete telo. Dopada mi se miris, tekstura, pakovanje, sve. Nisam primetila neke negativne efekte, stvarno je dobar secerni piling, ako niste isprobajte ga, necete se pokajati jer ce dugo trajati. 
Krema za stopala, sada kada ide lepo vreme, kada obujemo sandale, bice pete prve na meti, suva stopala, ispucala koza, sve to mozete da resite sa ovom kremom. Obozavam kreme za stopala koje su bogate, tacno osetim da rade nesto. Moja stopala nikada lepsa nisu bila, svi dok imaju problema leti ja uvek imam problema zimi. Pa tako da je ova krema zimi i na ovaj prelazni period odradila savrsen posao. Preporucujem da probate, krema je zaista divna. 

Napisete mi koji proizvod vam se najvise dopao??